Composites 101: Tips for Successful Scheduling
As a college student, you are busy and have a lot of demands on your time. Scheduling your composite shouldn't be a hassle.
It should be easy! A good company will work with you to find a great date and time that accommodates your members. Your goal as composite chair is to make sure your photography date works for everyone! Making that happen starts with choosing the right company. The company you select should be easy to work with and have a good process to help you find a convenient date.

1. Plan Ahead
Your composite company should start their process far enough in advance to make fitting composites into your already hectic schedule easy. Digital Pix contacts its customers 4 months in advance. By planning ahead and scheduling early, it helps ensure that every member of your chapter is available to be photographed that day.
Remember the composite is like a yearbook. Enouraging members to take new photos makes each year look fresh and it also saves money when you don't have to reuse photos.
2. How to Pick a Date
It may seem great to select a specific date, but consider a company that allows you the flexibility to choose a season, month or specific date. This allows the company to help suggest dates that will coordinate with other chapters on campus allowing for convenient make up sessions.
Do you need your composite before graduation? If so, then make sure to schedule early enough in the semester for on-time delivery. Also consider class schedule. Your professor may allow you to use class time to get everyone photographed. Nursing graduates have a busy rotation of clinicals, so day of the week and time are extremely important.
Here are a few tips for scheduling your photography session:
- Check the Calendar - Have your academic, chapter, and Greek Life calendars handy. This way, you can find an open date, when the majority of your house’s members are available for the session.
- Multi-Day Sessions - Remember, depending on the size of your chapter, you may have to block off 1-3 days for a photography session. Write down about three preferred dates, and run them by your chapter before scheduling with your composite company.
- Convenient Make-ups - Ask about their make-up session policy and if there is a cost associated with it. Our photographers usually are on a campus for an extended time period, which means if one of your members misses your session, they can make-up their photo session at another house on campus for free.
3. Changing your Date - How to Avoid Fees
It isn't your fault if the date you requested last year when you signed the contract no longer works for your chapter. Things happen. You shouldn't have to pay a postponement fee or penalty to reschedule as long as you give enough advanced notice. Digital Pix allows you to change your date or time up to a week before your confirmed session without penalty.
Flexible Scheduling
The semester is busy with breaks, finals and recruitment. However, now is a great time to schedule composites to lock in your preferred date! Request a price estimate and schedule your photography date with Digital Pix!